In this blog post, we will look at appliances or areas around the home which should be checked and cleaned regularly, so energy and money is not wasted.
This is the blog of where we blog about all things related to helping households and businesses compare and cut their electricity (power) and gas bills. So follow us to keep in touch with the latest news, announcements and tips in saving money.
How to Clean Up Household Energy Use
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- Published on Friday, 01 March 2013
Preparing an action plan for a power outage
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- Published on Friday, 08 February 2013
Power outages can happen at any time, so it is best to be prepared should they occur.
Should a power outage take place you should ensure an action plan is ready to be implemented. Below is some information and equipment you may consider to have available:
How to read your gas meter?
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- Published on Friday, 01 February 2013
By reading your gas meter this will assist you to improve your knowledge about your energy and water consumption. Below we explain how to read your gas meter.
Moving to a new property? Here is some info to think about for a new Gas Connection
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- Published on Thursday, 24 January 2013
Evaluating a number of gas suppliers to locate a better deal for your gas connection is not an easy task. This would require a great deal of time and some level of technical understanding as well.
For the best gas connection or reconnection, we recommend that consumers have ready the following information:
Home Energy Efficiency for the Backyard
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- Published on Wednesday, 16 January 2013
While relaxing and enjoying your backyard you are probably not thinking a great deal about energy saving options for your outdoor area, but there are number of things you might like to consider to save money and improve your enjoyment of your backyard.