Australia produces about 500 million tonnes of carbon pollution every year. This makes Australia one of the highest carbon polluters in the world. Currently polluting is free, but generating pollution has a cost. It’s a cost on our natural environment, our environment and our way of life. The carbon price changes this instead of being able to pollute for free big polluters must pay a price for every tonne of carbon they create. Industry must factor in the cost of carbon pollution into their business, just as they factor in material labour and so on. This will have two impacts.
This is the blog of where we blog about all things related to helping households and businesses compare and cut their electricity (power) and gas bills. So follow us to keep in touch with the latest news, announcements and tips in saving money.
How Does Carbon Pricing work?
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- Published on Monday, 28 May 2012
How the price on Carbon Pollution works?
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- Published on Monday, 28 May 2012
This is the critical decade for tackling climate change the science tells us we must ask now face even greater risks of extreme weather in Australia. Like more intense stores, more floods bush fires. Putting a price on carbon pollution is the first step.
Victorian Electricity Price Increase from the 1st July 2012 (Including Carbon Tax)
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- Published on Monday, 28 May 2012
Victorians generally prepare themselves for a Electricity and Gas price increase for the beginning of the year as most energy providers release their new rates in January, This year most Victorian consumers and businesses will be hit with a further electricity price increase on the 1st of July.
Electricity Price Increases
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- Published on Monday, 28 May 2012
Every year in every state unfortunately there’s an electricity price increase. Over the past several years the electricity price increases seem to be increasing more and more. Talking to energy consumer’s everyday Energy Quotes here’s the unhappy and stressful storeys from people who can’t afford to pay their energy bills due to electricity prices increases.
NSW Electricity Rate Rise
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- Published on Monday, 28 May 2012
Did you know homes and small businesses in NSW will soon be hit by another power price rise?
From 1 July 2012, electricity prices are estimated to increase by 16 % on average across the State, and about 19 % in some parts of NSW.