Frequently Asked Questions
Do I pay to use the service?
No, we are 100% free service to the public.
Do you have a cooling off period?
Yes all retailers provide a cooling off period of up to ten days. We ensure that all of the terms and conditions are covered both over the phone and in writing.
Do you service all of Australia? currently service Victoria, New South Wales, South Eastern Queensland and South Australia. We will provide services to other states in the near future.For Residential information click here and for business click here
I’m under contract with my current retailer can you still help me?
Yes, in many cases it is worth paying the small exit fee and moving on as the savings you will receive from your new retailer can cover the exit fee in just weeks or months.
What happens if I move address after taking up an offer?
Generally you can take the service with you to your new property (some retailers may charge a connection fee). Many retailers protect you if you move address and they cannot assist you in your new location. We also assist with new property connections click here
Would you like to be rewarded for saving your family or friends money?
If you refer your family or friends to and they take up an offer you will be rewarded with a $20 Coles Myer voucher. How easy is that?
Do you only represent one company?
No, we are partnered with many energy providers around Australia. Please review our current list of energy providers here
Where will my bill payments go – to you or the Energy Company?
Your new energy company will send your bill out in the post each month/quarter with payment details.
Whom do I call in a power blackout?
There will be a number on your electricity bill for power cuts. In an emergency always dial 000.
How do you get paid?
We are able to operate based on our referrals to energy retailers, in this way we keep our service free for customers to use. We are committed to recommending reputable companies with deals that will save our customers money. Try us out today!
Do we compare all retailers?
No, we compare your current charges with the offers of our partner energy providers, aiming to provide you a better offer to save you money.
Would I be better offer if I contacted the retailer directly?
Many times retailers will offer a lower rate and then build up to the highest offer – like bartering. At EnergyQuotes we look for the deal that will save you the most money and recommend this first time.
Can I get that deal on their (retailer that we recommend) website?
Many retailers are hesitant to publish their offers on websites and promotional material – this is because the industry can change quickly.
What if I call directly to the company to get a better deal then what you are offering me?
We work hard to ensure that EnergyQuotes has the most up to date offers from retailers. If you would like to approach your retailer directly it is important to make sure that the offer is suitable for you. Take note of the different conditions and terms. If you need help understanding the other offer – call us back, we would be happy to help explain it.
The discounts are okay, what else do I get from the retailer?
You can be assured that the power supply to your house will stay the same as it always has when you switch to a better deal. Some retailers are affiliated with renewable energy programs and charities which mean that whilst you are saving money you are also helping the community.
Do you have X payment terms?
EnergyQuotes is a free service. If you decide to switch your new retailer will send you your bill as usual. There are a variety of payment terms for each provider and these can be located on their bill.
Will I receive a termination fee from my current retailer?
Your current provider may charge a termination fee should you still be in contract and change to a new energy provider. Discuss this with our team members today to ensure that you are saving with your switch over.
Who will read my meter?
Your distribution company will read your meter each month to calculate usage just as before.
How can I guarantee the rates won’t skyrocket the minute I take up the contract?
The majority of offers do not have a fixed price. This is because providers increase their rates every year; usually in January or July (depending on which state you live in). Increases are usually in line with the CPI. In our experience retailers do not increase rates outside of this unless in exceptional circumstances.
How come I don’t get an off peak rate?
Your tariff rate is determined by how the electricity in your house was set up at the time of construction. Or, if you have made specific changes to your heating, cooling, or water systems. Changing your home to enable you to receive an off peak tariff can be very costly. The best way to save money is to alternate your consumption behaviour and look for a better deal.
Why is it that this retailer offers a higher discount and my retailer doesn’t?
Each energy provider offers different packages depending on a number of factors. Electricity offers are like phone bills and home loans, some companies are more competitive than others. It is important to shop around.
Do you market for anyone in particular?
EnergyQuotes does not promote any one particular retailer. We try and align ourselves with as many retailers are possible to ensure the best deal for our customers. At the moment we are operating in Victoria, New South Wales, South Eastern Queensland and South Australia to both residential and business customers. We will provide services to other states in the near future.
What is your second best offer?
Ask us! We know that you are busy, so we try and keep our calls brief by only quoting one retailer. However, we are happy to give you as much information as you need.
What are the rates?
Rates vary from state to state, postcode to postcode and even house to house. To get the most accurate rate we will ask for some details from your bill. So feel free to give us a call on 1300 697 868 to discuss your options.
How long is the contract?
Contracts vary between retailers, but are usually 1,2 or 3 year contracts.
What is the NMI?
The NMI is the National Meter Identifier and is best described as an account number for your house. This number is used to identify the tariff code at your property to help us determine which rate plan will be best for you.
What is the MIRN?
The MIRN is the Meter Installation Reference Number, like the NMI it is similar to an account number for your house. This number is used to identify the gas tariff at your property and directs us to the best deals for you.